Sewage collection

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The public sewers and the sewage treatment plants don´t have a long history; they have started to be built mostly in the second half of the twentieth century. There was a huge development of this sector in the beginning of 21th century, in connection with the entry of the Czech Republic to the EU and with the environmental legislation development process. Today about 70% of municipalities operated by Vodakva have a sewer system finished by a central sewage treatment plant, i.e. more than 90% of inhabitants. The Czech Republic made a commitment before entering the EU to ensure wastewater treatment in all municipalities with the population of 2,000 inhabitants and more. This commitment is completely fulfilled in the area operated by Vodakva. Moreover, the wastewater is treated in the majority of municipalities with the population of over 400 inhabitants. Vodakva operates 868 km of sewers. They are mostly stoneware or combined and collect sanitary sewage and storm water runoff in a single pipe system.